Nr Dartmouth, South Devon - Garden stone-work terracing with locally sourced natural stone

Terracing a confined back garden can transform an enclosed area into an inviting outdoor living space. Using natural stone specific to the area and even stone excavated from the terracing work itself adds a truly unique quality to the finished garden. As much material from site is always re-purposed, from hardcore recovered from demolished block walls and footings, to excavated soil, gravel and stone. The aim is always to minimize environmental impact and the use of construction materials onto site by using stone masonry skills to build structural stone walls without the use of block-work and concrete.

Stone masons and specialist stone work South Devon Stone masons and specialist stone work South Devon Stone masons and specialist stone work South Devon Stone masons and specialist stone work South Devon Stone masons and specialist stone work South Devon Stone masons and specialist stone work South Devon
Stone masons and specialist stone work South Devon Stone masons and specialist stone work South Devon Stone masons and specialist stone work South Devon Stone masons and specialist stone work South Devon Stone masons and specialist stone work South Devon Stone masons and specialist stone work South Devon Stone masons and specialist stone work South Devon Stone masons and specialist stone work South Devon
Bespoke stone-work terracing South Devon | Natural stone walling & stone masonry - Wagland, land & waterscape