Nr Aveton Gifford, South Devon - Large lined pond with bespoke stone-work & feature stones

Large ponds are transformational in a landscape, both in terms of aesthetics and benefit to wildlife. This will often involve building of a dam bank in all but the flattest sites, a rare thing to find in the South Devon landscape. The advantage of a slightly sloping site is that the excavated material is used in construction of the pond and therefore doesn't need to be removed from site or re-purposed somewhere else. A liner is usually required to achieve a stable water level. The liner is sandwiched between two layers of very heavy duty geotextile allowing for a 300mm layer of inert material such as excavated subsoil from the pond or gravel to cover the liner, thereby creating a natural pond and further protecting the pond liner from puncture and UV deterioration. This also allows for stone-work to be built on or below water level and sculptural feature or stepping stones of a tonne or more in weight to be sited in the margins.

Large natural ponds South Devon, pond lining & de-silting | Wagland -land & waterscape Pond excavation & desilting company South Devon, Wagland - land & water Pond excavation & desilting company South Devon, Wagland - land & water Pond excavation & desilting company South Devon, Wagland - land & water Pond excavation & desilting company South Devon, Wagland - land & water Large natural ponds South Devon, pond lining & de-silting | Wagland -land & waterscape Natural pond specialists South Devon, pond lining & de-silting | Wagland -land & waterscape Natural pond specialists South Devon, pond lining & de-silting | Wagland -land & waterscape
Pond excavation specialists South Devon, pond lining & de-silting | Wagland -land & waterscape Pond excavation specialists South Devon, pond lining & de-silting | Wagland -land & waterscape Pond excavation specialists South Devon, pond lining & de-silting | Wagland -land & waterscape Large pond lining specialists South Devon Large-scale pond lining specialists South Devon Waterscape & stone-work specialists South Devon | Wagland - land & waterscape Ponds & stone-work specialists South Devon | Wagland - land & waterscape Large ponds with feature stones South Devon | Wagland - land & waterscape
Large ponds with feature stone-work South Devon | Wagland - land & waterscape Large ponds with feature stepping stones & stone-work South Devon | Wagland - land & waterscape Ponds & waterscape company South Devon | Wagland - land & waterscape Ponds & bespoke stone-work specialists South Devon | Wagland - land & waterscape Pond & bespoke stone-work experts South Devon | Wagland - land & waterscape      
Waterscape & landscaping company South Devon | Wagland - Land & Waterscape